Monday, June 6, 2011


 HEGEMONY BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN                                                   
!!!!Guadalupe Espinoza Period 5
         How would you feel if someone took advantage of you just,because you were a slave woman and the white master's taught that you were a slave with no rights? They taught that you were just a slave that was tell what to do and that's all. In the book Kindred by Octavia Butler, Dana was a woman that was in slavery, and she had to pass through a lot of oppressions that couldn't let her be a successful woman. She had to be in slavery in order to help a boy that was transforming like his dad,by trying to take advantage of woman that were in slavery, because they taught that they didn't have a life. She tried to help the boy Rufus,because he didn't want him to be like his dad.She wanted him to be nice with slaves and be respectful with them .In my opinion I think that racial oppression and hegemony has been used to create slavery.
         How do you think slavery was transformed? People have different stories that tell how slavery was transformed. In my opinion, I think that it was transformed by hegemony and racism by white people and black people . A first reason why slavery was made by hegemony is because white people started to get African Americans to be their slaves by the way that they captured them without knowing. They went in the nights to houses and started to get children, man and woman. This means that no matter where they lived white people would go and get them just to get a lot of slaves and made them however they wanted. A second why I think it was formed by this is because the white people taught that they had the whole power , while black people didn't. This means that white people taught that they could tell the slaves what to do and they will go and do it,because they taught that they had the whole power. The masters taught that they had rights that made them powerful while slaves had no right that's what made them weak not showing they had the same rights as white people did.That's what made African Slaves unequal . A final reason why I think hegemony mad slavery is, because black people didn't know how to get more power that the white people. This means that African American slaves were scarred of white people, because they didn't know how to control the whites,because they taught that they could do more harmful stuff do them.  White people were the ones who transformed slavery not African slaves. Dana was a woman who was in slavery and she had to pass through a lot of hateness. She could do anything to self-defend herself.
         We have heard a lot of hegemony between slave woman that are African American and white masters. Why do you think men that were masters took advantage of black slave woman? One example I have from the book Kindred is when Dana told Rufus what will he do if they brought Alice back and Rufus says "Buy Her" this is in page 124. This means Rufus is trying to make Alice life difficult or impossible,because he just want to separate her from her children and make her family pass through a hard moments. A second example that show that white male took advantage of black woman is when Rufus says "We Will See About Her Rights" in page 123. This is showing hegemony because white people wouldn't give slaves the rights that they had. The slaves would have no right to do whatever they wanted because the white people wouldn't led them be free and do their own choices. A last example is when Rufus says,"I would have taken her better care of her than any field hand. I wouldn't have hurt her if she hadn't just kept saying NO" on page 123. This is showing that man rapped the woman that were slaves because white males taught that slaves had no rights of doing what they wanted to do. They taught that they were better than African Slave males because they had more money and more right that slaves. They taught that they could give them what they never had. Woman had to pass through alot of orders for masters.
         Have you ever wondered why men try to force woman to do things because they are slaves? Well I think that the man are scarred of the way of how woman will react. This means that if man ask woman a question and if woman don't like it they will say no! to what they are asking and man might feel stressed or angry and maybe that's why they don't ask. A second reason do things is because men believe that they have a lot of power to control any woman that they wanted.This means that man think they can tell any woman what to do and they will do it without saying no or making an excuse.A final reason of why men force woman to do things is because man feel strong , thinking that they could do what they want and trying to show every one hoe he does it. This means that man just try to show that they can do whatever they want to show their friends. Man should not force woman to do things that they do not want to.
         Men should not try to take advantage of woman. Woman are mostly oppressed by man because man think that they have the whole power. They think that woman don't have the rights  that they do because they think that they are StrongGer and that's one of their right. Woman have to do something in order to show man that they are also strong and show that they have the same rights as every man. Show that not only man is strong but also every single woman in this world. Woman have to show what they can do not just only man.